Welcome :)

Hello world!

I've been thinking about starting a new blog for a long time... but because of my insecurity and absence of constancy I haven't been able to continue -nor even start- this project. Sometimes I think I have nothing to offer or explain on Internet (self-confidence is an interesting topic which we can develop someday).

The main topic of this blog will be Biomedicine as well as productivity and mental health issues (basically, when I feel like wanting to talk about other things apart from Biomedicine). I guess that by this point you may be wondering why Biomedicine? Well, I am a Biomedical Engineering first year student, it is a degree I found really interesting, that's why I would like to share my academic learning here. 

My idea is to make different types of posts, some of them will be about the future applications of biomedical devices, others about the importance of aging processes, and others about the relation between the human body and technology. 

I won't promise you lots of posts, I will try my best so as to come up with an habit to write (Now that I have time 😄). 

I don't think I'm forgetting to say anything else, this is everything I have to say for now. 

See you soon!

PD: I don't really know how to manage this, I am sure that with experience I will be able to improve my skills. This is very new for me, I would like to attach an image but I don't know of what... Anyways, I hope next post is better than this one LOL. 


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